Friday, March 14, 2008

Finger painting

I bought a finger painting set last December, during the Metro sale, and have never quite gotten to using it until last Sunday. Often, I'd planned for a nice Sunday afternoon, where the three of us could indulge in some childish fun, together, but we would always end up being tied up with other appointments. A long lunch cum catch up session dragging till 4ish in the afternoon at my in-laws' house, or we would be heading back to my parents' house for our fortnightly visit.

We have yet another interesting appointment last Sunday, for my sister-in-law's second daughter turned 4 months old and it was the day for shaving her hair. Four adults, a kid and a baby, we trooped out of the house at 330pm heading to the hair salon. As much as we would loved to witness the hair shaving ceremony, Lia and I had to head home halfway through the journey for it was starting to rain. My kid started crying her head off as I forcefully carried her off the lorry. I only managed to entice her to proceed home after the mention of finger painting activity.
So here she is, busy dipping her fingers in paint...

And her very first finger-painted masterpiece...

And her second... ;P


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