Lia's first ever sports Day!
I attended Lia's school's sports day last Friday! The school's celebrating National Day too and there was a mini sing-and-dance-concert for the kids. I was standing behind, and managed to take this video of Lia enjoying herself.
After the concert, the kids went for their snack and later came out for the Sports Day event! Lia and her classmates were sitting down waiting for the rest of the kids. I was sitting opposite her and I managed to get her to pose for the photos. Can you spot her? (Photos are clickable)
The school named it the mini Olympics and even had torch bearers - a couple of K2 kids, running in from outside of the school!
I'm glad I joined the parent-and-child race for Lia was really happy that we get to participate together! It is called the 2-in-1 pyramid race; parent has to walk towards child with three bean bags, one to be balanced on head and rest two to be on each palm, and upon reaching our child, we put one bean bag on child's head, and rest two on our head, then hold hands and slide (walk sideways like a crab) back to the starting point. A fellow mommy helped took a video of our race, we were rather small in the video, see if you can spot us!
Here's one more video of Lia participating in the race for Nursery level. It's called the zig-zag race and I think it's the easiest among all other races! She's the first one to start and she's doing the yellow hoops. ;p
After the concert, the kids went for their snack and later came out for the Sports Day event! Lia and her classmates were sitting down waiting for the rest of the kids. I was sitting opposite her and I managed to get her to pose for the photos. Can you spot her? (Photos are clickable)
The school named it the mini Olympics and even had torch bearers - a couple of K2 kids, running in from outside of the school!
I'm glad I joined the parent-and-child race for Lia was really happy that we get to participate together! It is called the 2-in-1 pyramid race; parent has to walk towards child with three bean bags, one to be balanced on head and rest two to be on each palm, and upon reaching our child, we put one bean bag on child's head, and rest two on our head, then hold hands and slide (walk sideways like a crab) back to the starting point. A fellow mommy helped took a video of our race, we were rather small in the video, see if you can spot us!
Here's one more video of Lia participating in the race for Nursery level. It's called the zig-zag race and I think it's the easiest among all other races! She's the first one to start and she's doing the yellow hoops. ;p
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