Sore throat + stress, physiotherapy, new SengKang swimming complex and a birthday party!
I am always getting a sore throat! *Sign, and I am stressed over Lia, to be precise, I am stressed because she just refuses to do her writing. Am I expecting too much? My darling daughter is in Nursery school now (still too young?) and I am worried that if I don't start early, she will lose out to her peers! Then, everyone's eyes will be on ME, because I am HER MOTHER, and that I had failed to guide her in her studies. This is spoiling our relationship, and I hate myself for being so kiasu! But I can't help it because people around has been telling me that I should have a daily fixed time slot for the kid to study, short one, like 30 minutes, so the little one will be able to adapt in the years to come. I actually came up with a plan, I'd do the usual flash cards first, then get Lia to write, just one alphabet, one number and one Chinese stroke (stroke only, not whole word yet) a day, and we pretty much went through it without much stress. Well at least she did her writing; and it's a shame I did not manage to adhere to it. I've promised myself that I will not force Lia to write, nor will I criticize her, but I just can't help it today, dammed PMS! Maybe I should just relax and let things progress naturally? Let the kid enjoy her childhood as much as she wants to?

I better stop dwelling, else I will die of guilt.
I accompanied James for his physiotherapy last Friday. I need to learn two simple exercises to help him work his neck muscles. He was sent in for this therapy first. Think it's called traction? The machine lifts his head very slightly, hold it for like 20 seconds, and then lets it down gently. This is repeated for 15 minutes, and James claimed it is very comfy. He sometimes falls asleep while at it!

Next, his physiotherapist went on and explained how the bones in our neck works and why we had to do those exercises - we need to relax the muscle (or was it ligaments??). We also discussed that work and recreation should come together, and we mentioned swimming, to which the physiotherapist commented that it is a VERY GOOD and relaxing exercise. James was determined to fight his pain and on that same day after his physiotherapy, we headed off to VivoCity/HarbourFront on the hunt for his swimming costume! Then on Saturday evening, we promptly headed to the newly opened SengKang swimming complex! Actually, we only knew that it was newly opened a day before after a kid in the pool told us. We thought it was already opened for I've received flyers on swimming lessons there.
Two adults pay S$2 each, and we paid S$1 for the kid - weekend entry fees, weekdays are cheaper.

Lia, was stunned.

Our little swimmer-to-be, haha! I bought this swim suit more than two years ago! It was a size one (considering that fact that she was around two years+), very snug fitting now and Lia's gonna outgrow it anytime soon.
Lia is no longer afraid of the water! She was, when she was younger. So, this time round, I was gentle in my approach. I started off carrying her and she yelled in delight as I lowered ourselves into the water. She refused to leave my arms but when James came over, he just grabbed Lia and nonchalantly put her in before she could protest! Well, that worked; she merely gave James an astonished look, and was happily wadding in the pool after that.
And last Sunday, we attended Meia's and Max's birthday party!
Pretty little Rebecca and Lia's helping Meia blow out the candles! So cute! But oops, Max started crying in the background; think he's overwhelmed having just woke up from his nap.
May, I will squeeze your Max when I visit you, let me recover from my sore throat first okay! ;p

I better stop dwelling, else I will die of guilt.
I accompanied James for his physiotherapy last Friday. I need to learn two simple exercises to help him work his neck muscles. He was sent in for this therapy first. Think it's called traction? The machine lifts his head very slightly, hold it for like 20 seconds, and then lets it down gently. This is repeated for 15 minutes, and James claimed it is very comfy. He sometimes falls asleep while at it!

Next, his physiotherapist went on and explained how the bones in our neck works and why we had to do those exercises - we need to relax the muscle (or was it ligaments??). We also discussed that work and recreation should come together, and we mentioned swimming, to which the physiotherapist commented that it is a VERY GOOD and relaxing exercise. James was determined to fight his pain and on that same day after his physiotherapy, we headed off to VivoCity/HarbourFront on the hunt for his swimming costume! Then on Saturday evening, we promptly headed to the newly opened SengKang swimming complex! Actually, we only knew that it was newly opened a day before after a kid in the pool told us. We thought it was already opened for I've received flyers on swimming lessons there.
Two adults pay S$2 each, and we paid S$1 for the kid - weekend entry fees, weekdays are cheaper.

Lia, was stunned.

Our little swimmer-to-be, haha! I bought this swim suit more than two years ago! It was a size one (considering that fact that she was around two years+), very snug fitting now and Lia's gonna outgrow it anytime soon.

Lia is no longer afraid of the water! She was, when she was younger. So, this time round, I was gentle in my approach. I started off carrying her and she yelled in delight as I lowered ourselves into the water. She refused to leave my arms but when James came over, he just grabbed Lia and nonchalantly put her in before she could protest! Well, that worked; she merely gave James an astonished look, and was happily wadding in the pool after that.
And last Sunday, we attended Meia's and Max's birthday party!

Pretty little Rebecca and Lia's helping Meia blow out the candles! So cute! But oops, Max started crying in the background; think he's overwhelmed having just woke up from his nap.

May, I will squeeze your Max when I visit you, let me recover from my sore throat first okay! ;p
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