Lia's 4th birthday celebration!
We early celebrated Lia's birthday today! As her actual birthday falls in December, it would be the school holidays and I had initially planned for a simple party at home. But I somehow got worried on the guests turn out, what if her favourite friends couldn't come? Lia would be terribly upset for she is closest to them now and furthermore, she's changing class next year and won't have a second chance to celebrate her birthday with them. Having seen and attended the numerous birthday celebrations in school, Lia has been longing for her own. I want her to be happy and enjoy her birthday celebration with her closest friends. James and I discussed; her form teacher was the one whom suggested us doing it in school for it would definitely make Lia happy. I'd bought Tinkerbell party supplies from an online spree and that would go to waste, but, Lia's not gonna care about the decor when the time comes and I knew she'd only enjoy herself with her friends around. And so, I eventually decided to do it in school, which was more than a month in advance. .JPG)

Here's Lia, happy and beaming away... I bought some flowers for her but she refused to hold it.
We ordered her birthday cake from Pine Garden this year, and Lia chose a fresh strawberry cream cake with a Hello Kitty design. James and I were rather pleased with the cake. But I just felt that there was too much "kitties" sitting on it...
And that the "4" was a little out of shape.
The kids sang the birthday song, and Lia blew out the candles.

We held Lia's hand and made the first cut on the cake together.
I later engaged the help of Lia's form teacher, Ms. Quah, to cut up the birthday cake. After all, teachers are more experienced since they helped cut birthday cakes several times a year. Heehee!
I am so glad we did the celebration in school for the teachers helped out a lot! Lia was guided in distributing the cakes, and only sat down for her own when she's done. The rest of the kids were kept in order while waiting for the birthday cake. Without the teachers, I would be so lost and tensed with those kids chattering and fidgeting excitedly!
The cake tasted fine, but it's not the best Pine Garden cake I've eaten. I still prefer their triple layer chocolate, and black forest flavour. We paid S$69 for the 1.5kg birthday cake; the cake itself cost S$54 (S$36/kg) and they charged a separate fee for the artwork which was S$15 for Lia's.
I asked for a group photo, and as the teachers gathered the kids, I whispered to Lia: "You wanna take a photo with Donn Donn right? Go get him!" With that, Lia nodded her head excitedly and rushed to grab Donn's hand. The little boy is Lia's favourite one and Lia would talk about him always, complimenting on his fat fat cheeks and saying how cute he is! Click on the first picture to see Lia's expressions after she'd grabbed Donn to be by her side. LOL!
And after that, they held hands and ran happily back to class~ how sweet~ Lia didn't even wave goodbye to us!
Here's the goodies I prepared for the kids this year! Decided not to use the Tinkerbell goodies bag (too small) and bought Hello Kitty ones from Daiso instead.
Items clockwise from top: Hello Kitty goodies bag (S$0.25), note pad (S$0.23), cartoon stickers (it's a big sheet and amazingly cheap at just S$0.17 each, all thanks to my mom!), pillows chocolate snack (S$0.21), toy car pack (foc!), cartoon tape (S$0.20), cute otogibanshi jelly (S$0.18), cartoon hanky (S$0.27) and lastly, mini animal peg (S$0.20). I managed to keep each goodies bag under S$2! ;D
hi gene,
sorry i wonder if you will be reading backdated post :P
but i am interested to know where you got all these stuffs! Especially the Stickers! it cost me 0.50cents each when i got from the shop at my place.
Hi Reen!
I'm informed when someone posts a comment on my past entries. :)
Alright, here goes:
1) Hello Kitty goodies bag - Daiso
2) Note pad - $1.05 shop @ Ubi - I still have some left, wanna take them over? ;p
3) Cartoon stickers - my mom bought them at a sunday market stall in Bt Batok, 5 or 6 sheets for S$1 only! - think I still have a couple sheets left, wanna buy them from me as well? ;p
4) Pillows chocolate snack - my mom helped buy them from her previous workplace - a school tuckshop!
5) Toy car - James got them from somewhere - should have some packs left as well...
4) Cartoon tape - from a pasar malam stall - I still have some left but the tapes were of old quality when I bought them, only realised when I opened the plastic covering at home. :(
5) Cute otogibanshi jelly - Cold Storage Compasspoint, Japanese section!
6) Cartoon hanky - a shop in Rivervale market
7) Mini aminal pegs - Daiso too! But quality so-so cos the spring kept snapping out and the peg will fall apart! Can still be fixed back though...
thanks Gene!! :)
you are awesome!!! Sorry to take up your time in replying me, i know you must be busy at this stage, but you are too i got to ask!
ok, i need the goodies bag stuffs for 19 kids, I don't mind buying the stickers from you as well as notepads!
Hey Reen,
Sorry for my late reply, I kept forgetting to get back to you! :p
I only have 12 sheets of stickers and 12 note pads, is it okay for you?
hi Gene,
sorry for replying late, i didn't managed to check the reply from you...i got all the stuffs for my girl birthday already :(
i did came in a few times to see if you have reply, then i think you must be busy :) anyway, thanks for getting back to me!
No prob at all, Reen! :)
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