Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Zann's baby talk and laughter...

At around 10 weeks old, baby Zann has grown into the cooing and blabbering phase! And if you're lucky, she'd be laughing adorably at your antics. Lia managed to do that just yesterday! She was playing around and throwing her hand at baby Zann; this simple action got baby Zann so tickled that she started laughing!

And after her milk, baby Zann would either be so stoned that she'd doze off, or, if she's not sleepy, she'd be in a really good mood and start baby-talking to you!



Anonymous Reen said...

hey gene,

thanks for posting such cute videos!

the first one was simply funny towwards the end..hahahaa..

i think baby zann is such a chatty and adorable baby! she is really lovable :) aiyo, i love her smile and her laughter:) doesn't that brighten your day alot???? i hope my baby girl will be so cheery as well.

huggies for you, enjoy the time with them as they grow so fast!

July 02, 2009 12:06 PM  
Blogger Gene Ho said...

Hey Reen, thanks, haha, that milk spit came unexpectedly at the right time, cute! And yes indeed, she brightens our day with that wide smile of hers. ;)

July 14, 2009 11:12 AM  

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