Friday, March 23, 2007


Utterly devastating.

In order to get the child care subsidy for the month of March, I have to send Lia in to school for at least a day, the centre supervisor told me over the phone. Lia was very happy when I told her that she'd be going to school, and I too look forward to it for my baby had missed school for close to a month. So this morning, I happily dropped my baby off at her school, diaperless, of course.

I was in for a surprise when I picked her up just now, Lia was wearing her spare set of clothes which I'd pack in her bag. Her form teacher told me Lia had wet herself, for she did not inform them that she needs to pee. My heart dropped. This is not what I had expected. :( Just the night before, I had happily (and proudly) blogged that my baby has been totally weaned from her diapers and now this had to happen when she's just spent half a day in school!

Lia had been performing well and she'd pee/poo in the kiddy potty when my parents or mother-in-law babysits her. And on our outings, she was able to tell me beforehand and I have somehow got her accustomed to peeing in adult potty.

I got a second surprise while we walked to the bus stop. The bus was coming from behind and I was gonna run for it. I hurriedly scooped Lia up in my arms and; her pants were damp. My heart sank. It wasn't dripping wet, just damp and I concluded that she'd leak some pee while walking.

Okay, the little one knew that she'd leak her pee and even told me that she 'cannot sit' while we got onto the bus. I told her gently that she'd have to inform me if she wants to pee and that she should not do it in her pants, she grined and nodded in reply.

Upon reaching home, Lia let out her pee in full blast. I guess her bladder was too full and she could no longer hold her pee. She did say, 'wee-wee!' but it was too late. I had left her to take off her shoes while I proceeded to the kitchen to wash my hands; and I turned to see her with pee coming down her legs wetting her shoes and the floor. I was so upset and I felt like slapping myself.

Another incident just now while I was typing the above. Lia had woken up from her nap and I could hear her talking to herself. I was trying to finish this entry before going to her but she had gotten down the bed, walked a few steps before she said, 'wee-wee!' I turned to see her pee leaking and I quickly grabbed her off to the bathroom. Fortunately enough, she had gotten off our bed (phew!) and I was near enough to stop her pee halfway.

Anyway, I have just called the centre and was told that Lia's attendance today is sufficient for the child care subsidy. Though I had planned for half day sessions for the last week of March so the little one gets to see and play with her friends, I am having second thoughts now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gene, I was just as upset when I read this. How could MMI have such sub-standard teachers??!!! This is definitely not acceptable!!!

Thought of lodging a compliant with MMI HQ?

I am envious that u are able to be a SAHM with ur lovely Talia. Hope everything will be abck in place soon...and hope that u will find a good school for Talia in future :)

March 25, 2007 1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it's normal that Talia pee without informing the teacher and while on your way home. It could just be that she is adjusting to the environment and nothing really to be alarmed abt and sometimes when their bladder is too full, they just can't hold. Please don't be too upset, I'm sure Talia is weaned from diaper at home and she should be alright. Maybe you can tell her that now she is off diaper so she must let you know that she needs to pee. *hugs hugs*

March 28, 2007 12:01 AM  
Blogger Gene Ho said...

There's a lady from the HQ and she had been coming to school quite frequently. Spoke to her that day and she said Lia just needs time adapting. Probably bcos she missed school for few weeks also. But then, Lia is okay at my parents and in-laws place leh! And we visit them just once a week, actually for my parents, sometimes in 2 weeks then we get to go back there. So I could not accept it when she pees in school w/o informing. I take it that the teachers did not create a friendly time-to-visit-potty environment and thus making Lia nervous on informing them. Anyway, she's gone back to norm the next day, I am so relieved! ;p

March 29, 2007 12:40 AM  
Blogger Gene Ho said...

Thanks, I know Lia's not to be blamed but I couldn't help getting upset. Her bladder's really full cos when she pee on the floor upon reaching home, it was a big puddle! But luckily, she's back to norm already. :)

March 29, 2007 12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gene, I understand that totally cos me too, sometimes knowing that it's not Grace's fault, I'm just too upset to think straight.

March 29, 2007 10:10 AM  

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