Ponytails-able and her 3rd birthday preps

I've waited close to three years for Lia's hair to grow and finally today, I can do two wispy ponytails on her! We're celebrating her 3rd birthday tomorrow at my in-laws' place and I did a trial this afternoon; trial on her hair-do (heehee!) and made Lia try out her dress!
Just finished with the goodies bags for Lia's cousins. This year, I made very simple ones. The kids are crazy about honey stars so I decided to give them honey stars no less. ;p
Ribena pastilles $0.51, Loacker mini wafers $0.24, Honey Stars $0.57, Milo, Koko Krunch $0.42. Total cost per goodie bag: S$ 1.17 - $1.32. Rather lack in efforts as compared to what I did last year. But hey, the important part is, we've got Lia her favourite, an Elmo plush for her present! I can't wait to see Lia's expression tomorrow! (Elmo plush, S$25.20 from a Japanese concept shop @ IMM level 2)
HAPPY BELATED BDAY TO U TALIA!!! wow, love her ponytails! up till today, that horrible girl of mine still doesnt have enuf hair to make a decent ponytail on either side!!! *slaps forehead*
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