Forest n Trees

We were invited to Forest n Trees' tea reception last Sunday! I tell you, it was love at first sight! I just liked everything in the shop!
The first thing that greeted me was their unique shop front; right on their door is a huge illustration of Black Sheep by Carrie Chau (her blog).

Here's Lia, fascinated..

Dee took a picture of us, browsing, at our own pace...
Lia, with one of her favourite food in hand.
They sell nice...

...and unique stuff, I loved these jumbo matches!

Here's me, posing with an expensive clay figurine of the Black Sheep! Super adorable!

The one I'm carefully holding in my hands cost S$688; whilst the bigger one on top of the shelf cost S$4888! I was told that these clay figurines are actually not for sale. Carrie Chau made them for her exhibition, and that explains the hefty price tag!
Dee and I, we were standing on flowers! These flowers are all hand painted; so nice right!

They do manicure and pedicure too...

The range of luxurious products for those hands and feet...

This is my favourite chair!

I got a voucher for free express manicure & pedicure and I'm gonna sit in it when I go! Then, I'll find some excuse, like saying that the chair has got stuck at my bum and I'll have to lug it home with me! Hiak!
Cyn's birthday is round the corner and I bought her a card case. I liked it so much that I later grabbed one for myself too, last piece somemore!
My little girl sneaked underneath a side table at the cashier; she later offered to help me pressed the enter button as I paid up.
Our delicious goodies bags!

These are what we've gotten! A voucher for free express manicure & pedicure, a black photo frame, the little green bushes comes with a magnetic base, and the hearts are magnetic as well. The white-man-with-arms-crossed is a coin bank, and we got nice teaspoons with little hearts at the end of their handles! :)

And before we leave, Lia and her yee-ma (Dee) posed for a photo at the nice floral corner outside the shop...

Cyn came too. She took cute photos of Jervis and Lia!

Forest n Trees
No. 2 Handy Road,
The Cathay Building,
Unit 03-02
Singapore 229233
Telephone: +65 6734 8454
The gifts are with compliments from KCUBE, if you are looking for corporate gifts, please feel free to contact Rachel at or call +65 9764 3302.
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