Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Concourse and Bugis Junction

***This is a backdated post. I was so tied up with Lia's birthday party that I have no time to blog!***

Amy updated some beautiful photos on Tara's first birthday party and it was only then that I realised that, my little girl's party decor had paled so much in comparison to Tara's! We had only bought a piece of banner, and though we've ordered helium balloons, I felt a pang of guiltiness in my heart... The first birthday is an important event and we must do our best for our little girl, right! And so, we went out to The Concourse again yesterday afternoon for another shopping spree. I also thought it would be good to early collect Lia's name alphabets which I had ordered from Heartlink (the shop where we ordered the balloons).

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We bought a few other things and one of it was a Beach bucket for our little girl. =)

Trooped over to Bugis Junction as I need a haircut. My regular stylist was fully booked for the day and so I had to look for alternatives. There were a few salons there and I chose Reds in the end. The haircut was fine, costs S$ 42 which James paid for.

Dinner was @ Sakae Sushi, I was preparing myself for a battle, one which consists of a wriggley baby; and I picture myself trying hard to feed her dinner with one hand while holding her down with the other. To my surprise and contentment, they brought us a baby seat and even helped me to settle the little girl into it!

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*Sign... Yes, supplements again and it's Zinc this time.
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Along with some Tea tree products from The Body Shop. I am facing some terrible breakouts on my face, really terrible...

Mommy Gene
More backdated posts to come...


Blogger Amy Choon said...

hey gal, you making me feel so bad leh.. :(.. i didn't mean to make you guilty leh.
really, you did a wonderful job, even better than me! especially the cake. you bothered to buy all the nice figurines to decor the cake and me, the blur mummy only remembered to order the cake 3 days before the party, and the colour wrong somemore. haiz..
alamak, you cut your hair but tied it up at the party.. hmmz, wasted, didn't get to see it. hehe..

December 20, 2005 5:17 PM  
Blogger Gene Ho said...

No worries la, Amy! Without your pics, I wouldn't hv gone out to buy more decor and I would be feeling even more guilty if I get to see ur pics later!

Cut my hair liao but still very messy lor, a lot of layers and my hair is too wavey also, hv to rebond..

December 21, 2005 2:24 PM  

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