Diaperless, for 2 hours

Lia did not wanna put on her diaper as I changed her yesterday morning. She'd just plainly refused and so, I left her diaperless, for around 2 hours.
Over breakfast, I kept asking her if she wants to wee-wee but she'd shake her head. I then reminded her that should she have the urge to wee-wee, she'd have to tell me and I'd bring her to the potty. After breakfast, I asked her again - same answer. At playtime, I asked her again - same answer. I stayed with her most of the times as I am afraid of her staining our sofa and mattresses. She was rather groggy after her mid morning milk fix and I thought she wanted a nap. I carried her in and lay her on our bed as I put on a diaper for her. She did not refuse this time. Well, she did not nap, but continued her play and a while later, I felt pee in her diapers. James said our little one probably wasn't used to pee-ing in a potty yet and thus, she held on her bladder until she had her diaper on.
I should have brought her to the potty on my own accord, but I am just plain lazy in training Lia to go diaperless. Though I have been catching her at poo times, but for pee-ing in potty, there wasn't any efforts. I merely told her to squat down for her wee-wee when she does it at the start of her shower. And that's all.
Get well soon!
Athena still isn't pee-pottytrained, she simply does a puddle and exclaim, "wet wet!". Refuses to pee on the potty trainer seat. Sigh.
Hi Mel!
I haven't the courage to let Lia go diaperless whole day! Am lazy lah, poo is easier to catch, jus once or twice a day and usually after meals. Hee!
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