Lia and I, we're both unwell, again. My sore throat came back, Lia's fever came back. The trip to the PD this morning left me S$ 78.12 poorer, and we came back with antibiotics this time - the first ever dose for the little one. PD said it was the lingering of virus attack Lia got 2 weeks back, as she has been coughing since (10 days already) and that her fever came back. And to get her cured completely (hopefully), he has to put her on antibiotics. This lucky girl got to stay off school for the week, and I will bring her back in only on the 1st August, which is a Tuesday. Her trial has since ended and I am lucky that she was rejected entry on Monday, else I would have paid up and wasted the remaining S$ 196+ for her fourth week in school. But Lia being absent from school has brought a worry in me for after this break, she'd have lost what she's built up, and she'd be crying yet so pitifully again when I leave her in the mornings. She doesn't understand yet, the reason she is staying off school, and she may be thinking that she's gotten off it permanently. I've explained to her, but I don't know if she gets it in. Well, let's see how things turn out, next Tuesday.
Oh dear both mummy and Lia are down..
They tend to fall sick easily once they enter child care / nursery, can consider giving her some supplements (Vit C).
Take care, have plenty of rest and get well soon! :)
Take good care, Gene! :)
Yes, starting all over again is tough...but I gotta admit that it's a phase...I can foresee mine coming...:'(
Thanks Blurblur,
Yup, am stepping up on supplements. Tried giving her vitamin syrup but the little one refused it after the 1st feed. It tastes nice and I jus don't know why..
Thanks, yes, it is a passing phase and I hope we'd grow out of it soon. U are thinkin of enrolling Ethylyn too?
Yes, Gene...I will be starting those school visitings from this saturday and see how's my luck.
I would love to have her exposed to another kinda environment and make her own friends :)
Tough to let go...but we have to start somewhere
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