Saturday, September 2, 2006

Massive updates! Food, Teachers' Day and of course, Lia!

I was kidnapped by the Zzz monsters for the past two weeks!

Oh well, by bedtime, my energy was all drained and I'd fall asleep right away after putting Lia to bed. My tiredness, the air-con and the quilt and my pillow, how can I resist all that huh? I really, really missed blogging! I have lots to blog about, the two weeks I've missed would all be lumped into this entry! =)

My appetite have increased these days. I'd usually try to start my day healthy; first to down are my supplements, and then, a bowl of Kellogg's Special K rice and wheat flakes in low fat milk.

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On greedy mornings and if the time allows, I'll have a bowl of my favourite bee-tai-mak dry at the coffeeshop upon reaching my workplace. It costs just S$ 2, and it is a small serving. It's really yummy and best of all, not too filling!

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Lunch, I have been eating mee-hoon-kuay a lot. I didn't remember to take pictures of it, so, I'd skip to my after-lunch snack.

Ahh... Freshly made chocolate waffle!

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Again on greedy afternoons, I'd crave for some snack right after lunch. A vegetarian cake shop sells this and the boss only makes it when you order. Definately fresh and steaming hot, and it costs just a dollar! (I know Prima Deli sells their chocolate waffles at S$ 1.30)

Teachers' Day
My baby's first ever Teachers' Day in her life. The school was rather straight forward, they issued a memo informing the closure, and also, their corporate policy that gifts to teachers must be limited to cards, letters or just a stalk of flower. That saved me because I was in a dilemma on what to buy for the teachers. I didn't fancy ANY of the Teachers' Day flowers on sale, probably I haven't seen all yet, but anyway, I decided to do up my own. That'd greatly boost my sincerity too. =D

I bought Gerberas at 70 cents each, Webs at S$ 3 for the bundle I chose. The flowers cost S$ 5.80 in all, I took approximately 1.5 hours to work on them (I stayed up till 130am), some ribbons and nice paper for tags, this is my end product! ; )

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(Pic below) A stalk of pink Gerbera that comes with a personalised tag for Lia's immediate teachers.

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(Pic below) A small bundle of purple-pink Webs for the assistant teachers in Lia's class and also teachers from the other two playgroup classes. Some of which came with personalised tags as well.

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Silly me was so sleepy that I thought of putting it off till the next morning of which, I could never have finished it in time if I did that! Phew!

Alright, now let's talk about my baby. Lia is more sociable now, she gleefully waves and says 'ahh-no' (hello) to little kids she meets, and waves goodbye more readily too. But Lia'd still be a little intimidated when adults calls out to her, instead of her making the approach, but if there is enough time for her to warm up, she'd be all smiles again.

Lia has also made her first friend! I shall call him Ig and he's a little boy aged close to 2.5 years. Ig came in later but he is adapting very well. Last week, he sort of ran up to us to welcome Lia as we stepped into the classroom. He kept calling out Lia's name, except he sounded like 'Clau-lia' or 'Da-lia'. Hee, so cute! Lia seemed to not detest him and did not mind when Ig gently knock foreheads with her! It seemed like with her new found friend, the seperation crying have quite lessen! For two days, Lia merely whined when I said goodbye. She also did a fall-to-the-ground deliberately, her little hands slapping down. Ig followed suit, except he did not whine! Lia was still whining a little as I closed the door but I left smiling that morning... The next day, Lia did the fall to the ground again when I said bye to her. I was still standing at the door and Lia decided to have some more actions for me. Posed like a frog, she wriggle about, and ended up tummy on the ground. She then wriggled again, and she looked like she's swimming, on land! And she went backwards instead and Teacher Betsy and I find it quite funny indeed! Lia was a little taken when we laughed at her silly actions and she forgot to whine!

Despite the positive note, the little one still have her moods. Just this week, she had been crying again at every seperation, and I take it that she's unwell (cough and runny nose AGAIN!) and also, Ig wasn't around for he went on a tour. Lia probably missed her friend for the two of them makes a great pair monkey-ing around in class! Haha!

I took some pictures of Lia's teachers and classmates on Teachers' Day. It's a pity that Teacher Sheena (the heroine) was unwell and was on MC. I would loved to show her picture for she had done a great job in making school a better place for my baby! Lia has since shown her true colours for Teacher Sheena told me she's cheeky, and getting naughtier by the days! Lia would sometimes act like a big sister, for she's considered the old bird in her class, and she called out to a fellow classmate saying 'aei', along with a 'come-here' hand gesture as they were getting ready to go to the dining hall. She even attempted to feed that particular classmate at lunch too!

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(Above pic) Ig sharing his pack of Pretz, Lia's waiting right beside him, little J (he's sooooo cute!) in background with a hand on his head and little C having her milk fix.

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(Above pic) Here are the full-day children in Lia's class! They're munching on Ig's Pretz at the same time! Besides Teacher Sheena, the other form teacher is Bessie (right) and Teacher Sandra (left) is the assistant teacher. The total number of children in the class is 11, 6 of them are on half-day and they leave at 1pm I think. At 20.5 months, Lia is the youngest in her class and school, still.

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Blogger blurblur said...

Hi Welcome back! :)

Glad to know that Lia is adjusting's just normal for them to have moods...:)

Hmm..i see that you're snacking huh...erm...any good news?? :P

September 04, 2006 5:35 PM  
Blogger Gene Ho said...

Hey Blurblur, thanks!

Yes, I believe dat kids are jus lik us adults, it'll come to a point when they start having moods!

Haha, no 'good news' lah, I am jus greedy and we have NO plans for #2 anytime now! ;p

September 04, 2006 10:56 PM  

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